천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동정빠
두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동정빠

천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

Receiving my sword spirit, Hyowoong Namgung was able to come out of

the shadow forest of Shinwoldan.In his eyes, he saw ten fallen Shinwoldan

members. It was the appearance of getting up with damage to his sword

steel. Hyowoong Namgung sprayed his sword over their heads.”Kwaaaak!

“The movement of the Shinwoldan stopped when the screams echoed aro

und. And their eyes turned to anger. In an instant, the masters of Shinwolda

n were killed by Hyowoong Namgung’s sword. However, Namgung Hyo-un

g also suffered a lot. He frowned at the blood and pain flowing through his

body. However, Namgung Hyo-ung stood up straight and looked at So Mu

-jin and Shin-wol-dan.”Come on!”At Namgung Hyo-ung’s words, Shinwol-dan’

s body trembled with anger. And instead of flocking to Namgung Hyo-woon

천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

g, he started to attack him personally. From then on, the bloody battle betw

een Shinwoldan and Namgung Hyoung began.Mirim Noh’s eyes shook as he

watched the bloody battle between Hyowoong Namgung and Shinwoldan fro

m afar. Namgung Hyo-woong’s spirit that never breaks and his momentum m

ade anyone know how great it is. And such Namgung Hyo-woong is No Mi-ri

m’s maternal uncle.Mi-rim Noh was very shaken by the spirit and dignity of her

uncle, whom she had never seen since birth. Namgung Hyo-woong was fightin

g really well against Shinwoldan, who had similar power to the Han faction.

And many of the warriors of the Shinwoldan collapsed, spraying blood. Mi-rim

Noh did not feel sad even when a member of Shinwoldan, a member of the sam

e Protestant religion, died.’Is this blood relation… … ?’Thinking so, No Mi-rim saw

Namgung Hyo-ung’s body, which had turned into blood, staggering and swaying.

No Mi-rim took a step forward toward Namgung Hyo-ung with startled eyes.No

Mi-rim saw So Mu-jin’s sword embedded in Hyo-woong Namgung’s abdomen.

천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

No Mi-rim’s eyes widened infinitely, and after that, as the swords of numerous Sh

inwoldan members were driven into Namgung Hyo-woong’s body, an endless tre

mbling roared through his body. No Mi-rim’s eyes were filled with sadness.”You’r

e a really good soldier.”So Mu-jin said something from the heart to Namgung Hyo

-ung. Half of the Shinwoldan had died at his hands. Namgung Hyo-woong, who

had a great resentment but did not bend, made So Mu-jin say such a thing.

Namgung Hyo-ung’s body was just staring at So Mu-jin with his eyes wide open

. Numerous swords came out of Hyowoong Namgung, who had already turned i

nto blood. Then, his blood was sprayed everywhere, and Namgung Hyo-ung’s bo

dy collapsed.So Mu-jin left Namgung Hyo-ung’s body behind and told the remai

ning subordinates to collect the bodies of the dead members. No Mi-rim approa

천안호빠 O1O.9785.4389 천안호스트빠 천안텍가라오케 천안이부가게

ched So Mu-jin.”You’ve lost a lot of subordinates.”So Mujin turned her head tolo

ok at her at Nomirim’s words.“Sister… I’m fine.” #두정동호빠가격 #두정동호빠문의

#두정동호빠위치 #두정동호빠예약 #두정동유성호빠  #성정동호빠 #성정동여성전용클럽

#성정동이부가게 #성정동호스트빠 #성정동여성노래방 #성정동정빠 #성정동텍가라오케

#성정동남보도 #성정동호빠추천 #성정동호빠가격